What do I need to bring to my first visit?
If you are using your medical insurance, you will need an up-to-date insurance card for your child every time you check in. It is important to bring your child's past medical records if you have them - especially their immunization records (you can get these from your child's last doctor or from their school). Bring a list of any questions you would like to discuss, as well as something to help your child pass the time while you are waiting or talking to the doctor or the nurse practitioner. Please download and review our Privacy Policy and bring in the completed New Patient Formsfrom the website to speed up your check in process.
What happens at a well check up visit?
Once you check in and are called to a room, your child will be greeted by one of our nurses or medical assistants. They will weigh and measure your child and sometimes take a blood or urine sample. They will ask about what they eat, how they sleep, and what new skills they have developed since your last visit. You can also let them know about any special questions you want to discuss. The doctor or nurse practitioner will come in and go over this information with you. We will examine your child and talk to you both about safety, diet and nutrition, growth and development. We let you know what to expect at each stage in your child's life so that you can help them grow up healthy and happy, answering those special questions along the way.
What happens at a sick visit?
When your child doesn't feel well, it is important to get all of your questions answered. After you check in, the nurse or medical assistant working with your doctor or practitioner will get a list of those questions, weigh your child, and take their temperature. The doctor or provider will come in and review your questions, ask questions about your child's problem, and examine them. They may order blood, urine, or x-ray tests to help figure out what is wrong. When you leave you should have a good idea of what is wrong with your child, what the plan is to make them feel better, and what to do if they don't! We will be available to answer your questions through it all.
Where do we go if we need tests done?
Some tests can be done right in our office. We offer blood tests to check your child's "iron", as well as lead or sugar levels. We do urine tests at well check ups and to check for bladder or kidney infections. Tests for strep throat, flu, and mono are also done right in the office and the results are usually back before you leave.
Other tests will be done at the lab used by your insurance company or sometimes at a hospital. Our staff will give directions to these facilities, and when your results come back, we will call you to discuss them.
What about X-rays?
At Snapfinger Woods Pediatrics we can do some "plain" x-rays. We can check for broken bones or infections in your child's lungs or chest and give you the results before you leave the office. More complicated x-rays, and all CAT Scans, MRIs or ultrasounds are done at a hospital or other outside facilities. We will handle scheduling these procedures, give you directions to the facility, and call you as soon as we have the results.
What other facilities do you use? What specialists do you refer to?
At Snapfinger Woods Pediatrics we believe kids are kids - not little adults. They have special needs. If we cannot take care of your child's testing or need help to take care of them, we refer only to physicians or facilities with experience and special training for children like Children's Healthcare Networks of Atlanta at Egleston.
What if my child is having trouble in school? Can you help them?
We help with all aspects of your child's health - mental and physical. We have special "consult" appointments set aside at 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. to discuss school or behavior problems. These issues require special care and attention, and we don't want to rush you or your child while we try to help. The extra time lets us review any papers or information the school may have given to you, as well as any questionnaires we may ask you or the teachers to fill out. Then we can decide together what to do to help diagnose or treat the problems.
What about vaccinations/shots?
At Snapfinger Woods Pediatrics we offer all the state required and recommended infant and childhood vaccinations, including flu shots (in season). We follow the American Academy of Pediatrics schedule for administration. We know many people have concerns about the safety of vaccinations and we take them very seriously. We are always reviewing the latest information and are happy to discuss it with you. Please click on the article to the left for more information on vaccines.
Is Snapfinger Woods Pediatrics a part of any medical school?
Snapfinger Woods Pediatrics is a training site for medical residents, medical students, and nurse practitioners. Our doctors are Clinical Instructors at Emory School of Medicine in the Pediatrics Department which helps us keep up with the most up-to-date medical care. Sometimes your doctor or practitioner will ask if you mind if a student speaks to you first or helps in the exam of your child. Our students are always well-trained, professional and supervised by our staff. It is always okay to say you would rather see only the doctor or nurse practitioner. We enjoy training students, but your child's care and comfort are always most important.
Are all of your physicians "certified"? How does the practice ensure the care it provide is state-of-the art?
All of our doctors are certified by the American Board of Pediatrics and all are Fellows of the American Academy of Pediatrics (F.A.A.P) and participate in Continuing Medical Education to keep that title. For more information on our physicians and their training, please click on "Meet our physicians/staff."
Snapfinger Woods Pediatrics is also a part of Kids Health First Pediatric Alliance (KHF). Kids Health First is a group of over 180 pediatricians in the Atlanta area who have banded together to improve medical care for children in the Atlanta area. Dr. Rosenfeld is one of the founding members of this organization and is on it's Board of Directors and Dr. Weselman is the chairman of its Quality Committee.